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German Linguistics


German linguistics is a branch of Linguistics where we are dealing with various interesting aspects in German. Our course is very unique in that it belongs not to the so-called Germanistik, but to Linguistics, which means that you can study German linguistics effectively and intensively here.

Our course has some other features as well. FirstCwe teach both traditional and current linguistics, so that you can study almost all areas in German linguistics, e.g. morphology, lexicology, history of German language, syntax, semantics, pragmaticsc Second, many students in our course are now concerned with contrastive linguistics, that is, they are making a research of German language in comparison with Japanese or English. In doing contrastive research you have the advantage of getting opportunities to receive suggestions from professors and students in other branches including English or Japanese linguistics. Of course, we are ready to give good advice when you write a doctoral or a masterfs thesis as well.

We are looking forward to discussing linguistic topics of German language with you!


Makoto Ito Comparative Lexical Studies of Japanese and German, German Lexicology
Toshiaki Oya Grammatical Studies of German