一般言語学論叢 第 11 号 (2008 年)

Table of Contents

プロソディー情報の聴覚情報処理に関する一考察 (Brain wave experiment about recognition of prosody)
丸島歩・城生佰太郎 (Ayumi Marushima, Hakutaro Jôo)
pp. 1-30
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事象関連電位(ERP) を用いた音節、モーラの認知に関する考察 (ERP experiment on the cognition of speech sounds)
桐越舞・福盛貴弘 (Mai Kirikoshi, Takahiro Fukumori
pp. 31-51
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What can the Mitsukaido dialect case system tell about syntactic theory? (水海道方言の格体系の統語理論上の意義)
Kan Sasaki (佐々木 冠)
pp. 53-84
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モンゴル語の否定呼応項目の意味的分類 (The semantic classification of the negative concord items in Mongolian)
橋本邦彦 (Kunihiko Hashimoto
pp. 85-103
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ジッバーリ語の1音節語のプロソディー記述 (A prosodic description of one-syllable words in Jibbali)
二ノ宮崇司 (Takashi Ninomiya
pp. 105-125
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聖書ヘブライ語における同語反復的不定詞絶対形 ―否定詞の現れ方から見た語順― (The tautological infinitive absolute before the finite verb with the negative particle in biblical Hebrew)
竹内茂夫 (Shigeo Takeuchi
pp. 127-138
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GISを用いたアマルナ書簡の言語地理学的研究(1) ―動詞語尾 -(n)na の地理的分布― (GIS driven linguistic geography of Amarna letters from Canaan (1): A case of the verbal ending -(n)na)
池田潤 (Jun Ikeda
pp. 139-159
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【投稿規定】 ([Information for Contributors])
pp. 157-158
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【規約】 ([Rules and Regulations])
p. 159
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First published: 2009-04-10T21:34:46JST
$Last modified: 2009-04-10T21:34:46JST$