Tsukuba English Studiesコンテンツ一覧





20号(2001年) 19号(2000年) 18号(1999年) 17号(1998年) 16号(1997年)
15号(1996年) 14号(1995年) 13号(1994年) 12号(1993年) 11号(1992年)
10号(1991年) 9号(1990年) 8号(1989年) 7号(1988年) 6号(1987年)
5号(1986年) 4号(1985年) 3号(1985年) 2号(1983年) 1号(1982年)

WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 21 (2002) ed. by Yukiko Arita and Hiroaki Konno

執筆者 題目 キーワード ページ
Katsunori Fukuyasu On the "Occurrence of Events" -- With a Special Reference to the Kara-Dialect in Japanese--   1
Masao Okazaki Contraction and Grammaticalization   19
Hiroaki Konno From V-ing Complementation   61
Yukiko Arita and Manabu Kusayama On the Flexibility of Please   79
Joe Morita Transitivity in Spatiality, and Vice Versa 101
Kazunori Kan, Keigo Yamada and Shoichi Yamda Dissimilation of Sonorrants in English   133
Yuko Kobukata and Hiroaki Konno Two Types of Pseudo-Passives   135
Taichi Hirota, Hiromitsu Akashi, and Yukiko Arita A Felicity Condition for Locative Inversion Constructions  


Seong-Sik Chae Event Cancellation Phenomena in Japanese   139


WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 20 (2001) ed. by Hiromitsu Akashi and Shoichi Yamda

執筆者 題目 キーワード ページ
Hideki Zamma Accentuation of Person Names in Japanese and Its Theoretical Implications   1
Masao Okazaki The Rhythmic Structure of Donnes Verse   19
Yukiko Kazumi What Makes the Meaning of the English Verb Make?   41
Koichi Nishida On Three Types of Interpretation of Noun Phrase in English: Entity, Quantity, and Quality   53
Toshifusa Oka Phase Out   75
Hiroaki Konno On the If You Be Construction   91
Keigo Yamada Some Notes on Subjectivization in Japanese and Preposition Stranding in NPs in English: With Special Reference to Takamis Notions of Characterization and Identification  


Joe Morita Measure Expressions in Comparison   127
Yukiko Arita A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Polite Expressions: With Special Reference to Request   137
Seong-Sik Chae, Keiko Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Tahara, Keigo Yamada, Hiromitsu Akashi, and Shoichi Yamada On the Cancellability of an Achievement Implicature in Japanese   153
Hiroaki Konno On the Licensing of Present Subjunctives: A Preliminary Remark   155


WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 19 (2000) ed. by Keigo Yamada, Hiroyuki Tahara, Keiko Sugiyama, and Kyoko Oyama

執筆者 題目 キーワード ページ
Toshifusa Oka Feature Checking and Movement Case, EPP, Economy 1
Manabu Kusayama The Semantics of Subject Reconsidered   25
Hiromitsu Akashi Speech-Act Verbs and the Ditransitive Construction   43
Shoichi Yamada A Semantic Study of the Prefix over- and the Norm of Evaluation   65
Akiko Miyata Object- vs. Event-Oriented Resultatives   81
Hiroaki Konno, Katuo Ichinohe, Akiko Miyata, Joe Morita, and Keigo Yamada On the Structure of Present Subjunctive Complements in Present-Day English   103
Koichi Sekizuka, Manabu Kusayama, Koji Nabeya, Koichi Nishida, Kyoko Oyama, and Hiroyuki Tahara A Study of TO in Passive Perception Verb Complements  


Shoichi Yamada A Semantic Study of the Prefixes over- and under- in English   107


Wb00969_.gif (261 バイト)TES 18 (1999) ed. by Keiko Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Tahara, and Keigo Yamada.

執筆者 題目 キーワード ページ
Koichi Nishida An Analysis of Predicational Sentences with Special Reference to Class and Quality Descriptions   1
Akiko Miyata Two Types of Resultatives resultative constructions, manner/result verbs, literal/ figurative readings 23
Keigo Yamada On Pseudo Double Nominative Constructions in Japanese: With Special Reference to Relativization 二重主格構文、関係節化、概念構造 43
Keiko Sugiyama On the Subjectivity of the 'Characteristic' Use of Will Characteristic/Episiemic/Root Will, Propositional/Modal Elements, Generic Sentences 69
Katsuo Ichinohe An Essay on Morphosyntactic Characteristics of V-te I- Complex in Japanese 補文構造、依存関係、イディオム表現と構文 85
Manabu Kusayama The Subjects of Event and State Predicates EVENT, STATE, PRE-EXISTENCE 105
Hiroyuki Tahara A Note on Exceptive Use of But and Except exceptive use, but, except


Joe Morita Secondary Predicates Stacked   137



WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 17 (1998) ed. by Manabu Kusayama and Akiko Miyata.

執筆者 題目 キーワード ページ
Hideki Zamma English Cluster Simplification and Optimality Theory: A Critique of Lexicon Optimization and Richness of the Base 最適性理論、基底の豊饒、語彙最適化 1
Shinsuke Homma Scope of Negation, Syntactic Movement, and Structure of Japanese Negative Sentences quantifier, negation, scope 25
Masao Okazaki On Two Half-Line Types in Sieverss Theory of Old English Meter: A Case for Clash Deletion on the Second Metrical Plane in Old English OE alliterative verse, half-line, second metrical plane 51
Koichi Nishida On the Presence vs. Absence of the Uniqueness of Reference Associated with the Definite Article in English Uniqueness of Reference, Singular NPs with Plural Referents, Sentence Types 77
Naoaki Wada Toward a New Compositional Tense Theory Tense Structure, Tense Interpretation, Finite/Non-finite Predicates 107
Toyoko Amagawa Semantic Constraints on the Have+A+V Construction construction, intrinsic action, homogeneity 147
Hideki Tanaka Relative Clauses on Type-Representing Head Nouns 関係節、数量詞、序数詞


Katsuo Ichinohe Some Notes on Resultativeness and Agent: with Special Reference to the Resultative -te Aru Construction テアル構文、結果相、動作主 183
Manabu Kusayama Middle and Tough-Constructions in English Tough構文、中間構文、既存性 201
Akiko Miyata Restriction against Deverbal -ed Adjectives in Resultatives 結果構文、結果句、状態変化 221
Masanobu Ueda 'Arguments' and 'PRO' of Nominalizations: A View from Cognitive Grammar nominalization, argument structure, PRO 231
Yuji Tanaka Notes on Derivative Syntax   251
Keigo Yamada Toward a Unified Analysis of Honorification Phenomena in Japanese Existential and Possessive Constructions: Is the Subject of Possessive Construction Really the Dative NP? 主語、尊敬語化現象、存在文と所有文 277
Keiko Sugiyama A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of Will: with Special Reference to the Characteristic Interpretation Characteristic interpretation, Characterizing sentence, Core meaning analysis 303
Joe Morita Some Notes on Prepositional Resultatives prepositional resulatives, constraints on the resultative construction, the notion of construction




WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 16 (1997) ed. by Katsuo Ichinohe, Joe Morita, Koichi Nishida, and Masanobu Ueda.


題  目


Hideki Zamma How Are Inputs Generated in Optimality Theory? 1
Masaharu Shimada Some Notes on Much-Support 21
Toyoko Amagawa Subjective Motion in English and Japanese: A Case Study of Run and Hashiru 33
Takeshi Shimada Syllable Subsidiary of the English [aI] 51
Joe Morita On Deriving the Extraposition Construction and Its Implications for Syntactic Theory 67
Ken'ichiro Nogawa Semantic Requirements for the VN-o Suru Construction in Japanese 95
Masanobu Ueda A Cognitive Approach to the Syntax of English Nominalizations 125
Koichi Nishida On the Indefinite Article of Predicate Nominals in English 155
Hideki Tanaka Some Remarks on Relative Clauses with Quantified Heads 189
Yuji Tanaka On Two Types of Japanese Passives 209
Manabu Kusayama Toward a Unified Account of the English Middle 247
Akiko Miyata A Cognitive Approach to English Resultative Constructions 283



WB00969_.GIF (261 バイト) TES 15 (1996) ed. by Toyoko Amagawa, Takeshi Shimada, Hideki Tanaka, and Yuji Tanaka.


題  目


Hideki Zamma German Final Devoicing in Optimality Theory 1
Toyoko Amagawa Another Look at Taking in Lexical Network Theory 23
Koichi Nishida Arguments for the Heterogeneity of English Be 43
Takashi Yoshida On Licensing Conditions of Minimizers 75
Ken'ichiro Nogawa Cognate Objects and NP-Movement 95
Katsuo Ichinohe Adjunct