『言語学論叢』オンライン版 第10号 (通巻36号)2017.12.09


中国語の重ね型形容詞における感覚共有性―単音節形容詞が意味核となる重ね型を中心に― (Cross-modal Property of Reduplicate Adjectives in Chinese: Focusing on the Reduplications of which Nucleus are Monosyllable Adjectives)
桂  (GUI Wen)
pp. 1-15
中国人日本語学習者における単母音習得の実態 (Acquisition of single vowels by Chinese speaking learners of Japanese)
金 佳 (JIN Jia)
pp. 16-27
話しことばの評価研究の動向と課題―コミュニケーション評価の再考に向けて― (Trend and future of evaluation research of oral communication)
篠原 亜紀 (SHINOHARA Aki)
pp. 28-46
中国語授与型前置詞“”の多機能性 (The multifunctional preposition gěi in Mandarin Chinese)
陳  (CHEN Qi)
pp. 47-62
話題展開に見られる自己開示 日本語母語話者と韓国人日本語学習者の初対面から 3回の会話を通して (Self-disclosure in topic development: Based on the conversation from the first meeting to the third time conducted between Japanese native speaker and Korean Japanese learner)
  (OH Hyunyoung)
pp. 63-83
“有NP-VP”における“有NP”の機能と意味―助動詞との比較から― (The Function and Meaning of “You NP” in “You NP-VP” Structure: From The Perspective of Comparison With Auxiliary Verb)
何 秋林 (HE Qiulin)
pp. 84-99

by Webmaster, 筑波大学 一般言語学研究室